faith seeking understanding through the mystery of the tale

Featured Title:
The Burden of Light
by Michael Buhler
In an age when religion and spirituality have moved to the periphery of Western culture, The Burden of Light reveals characters who find themselves confronted by grace and a transcendent, eternal presence that is the backdrop to their lives.

Stories in this collection:
The Red Canoe, parts one and two. A young man spends three years alone in the wilds of Northern Ontario, wrestling with divine presence.

Pieta. A gangster struggles to do what is right amidst human suffering.

Drug Addict. A teenage woman’s open soul draws her to beauty despite her addiction.

Death in Schumacher. A boy comes face to face with the presence of death.

Happiness. A wealthy woman’s self-centered happiness overpowers the possibility of grace in her life.

The Intellectual. A writer pursues human progress at the expense of recognizing beauty and the mystery of human frailty.

Christmas Dragon. A brother and sister encounter the mystery of evil.

Michael Buhler has been a chaplain in the Roman Catholic School System for 24 years. He has won literary contests through the Timmins Daily Press, has written two award winning plays for the National Theatre School Drama Festival, and is an essayist with VoegelinView.com. Buhler lives in Northern Ontario.


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